Posted on: December 17, 2021

During the Season of Advent, We Pray for Families

 “The mystery of the Christian family can be fully understood only in the light of the Father’s infinite love revealed in Christ, who gave himself up for our sake and who continues to dwell in our midst. I now wish to turn my gaze to the living Christ, who is at the heart of so many love stories, and to invoke the fire of the Spirit upon all the world’s families. The Lord is also with us today, as we seek to practice and pass on the Gospel of the family.”

- Pope Francis, 2016

Posted on: December 10, 2021

During the Season of Advent, We Pray for Families

We are the living church in our homes and families. As we gather together for worship and prayer through the Advent season may we see the face of God in our family and in each other. May we as family and community grow in love and become ever more fully a temple in which the Spirit dwells. 

Posted on: December 3, 2021

During the Season of Advent, We Pray for Families

"The triune God is a communion of love, and the family is its living reflection.  Saint John Paul II said, 'Our God in his deepest mystery is not solitude, but a family, for he has within himself fatherhood, sonship and the essence of the family, which is love.  That love, in the divine family, is the Holy Spirit.'  The family is thus not unrelated to God's very being."  Amoris Laetitia, 2016